Lot 5 Payne Road, Beechworth
Payne Road Beechworth Lifestyle Blocks
Lifestyle living on an allotment of 2,275 sq m just minutes to central Beechworth. Nature corridor thriving with birdlife, and easy access to endless walking trails around Beechworth and into the Stanley Forests.

More than enough room for your home and shedding.

Nine allotments available in total in this niche development ranging in size from 2,048 sq. m. to 10,884 sq. m.

With power, town water and the benefit of town sewer made available to the property for connection, you can build your ideal home in a location that perfectly balances accessibility and tranquility.

Genuine 5% discount to apply to the first three blocks sold if contracts signed before October 31st, 2024.

Property can be held with a 10% deposit with settlement to occur 14 - 28 days from title registration.

To learn more about this lifestyle blocks, please contact Tony Stockdale at First National Beechworth on 0428 629 778.
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