22 Camp Street, Beechworth
| Floor Area  106m²
| Land Area  206 m²
This landmark, Beechworth building has operated as a solicitor's office since 1852 but is now offered to the market with vacant possession.

This high-profile Camp Street location is suited for accounting, legal, medical or similar professionals or as a boutique retail outlet in one of North East Victoria's premiere towns.

Commercial Zoned freehold land of 206 sq. m. with a total net lettable area of 106 sq. m.

Three main central office spaces and waiting room plus large safe/vault at the rear, along with storage room, additional office space, kitchenette and toilet facilities.

Additional features include 4.2 kW solar system along with a separate rear entry and laneway thoroughfare for rear access or to cater for parking and deliveries.
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